It is perhaps, feminist and spiritual writing like yours got me back into Medium. I was no different, addicted to social media, Youtube and the news. It was only a week ago when I started going back to Medium again. Yes, it took a few days to find articles that resonates with me, but oh, that made a difference.
I can proudly say that I'm "addicted" to reading articles like yours, call it feminist, call it spiritual, call it counter-MAGA, it doesn't matter. But it matters. Resistance matters, spirituality matters and feminism matters.
I had never took a stand so strong as of today as I was the last 4 years, even less so in the years before. In fact, I'm willing to keep writing to my congress representative, keep supporting good causes, and keep learning about how I can make change. I have never been so fired up because I am frustrated. I am sad and angry that voices like yours may be threatened. And I want to find a way to not only protect, but also amplify our collective voices to actually make a difference.