I have been told that Archangel Michael is one of my main guides by a late channeler who has unfortunately passed (Steffany Barton).
She told me that Michael is the Archangel of courage, and whenever I need to summon courage, I can call upon him by imagining a ring of electric blue.
Since then, I began seeing the connection between the color blue (deep ultramarine) with the energy of Archangel Michael.
I did not really believe that Archangel exists outside of religious context at first, but after also confirmed by my wife (she is an intuit) during a reading, I began to see the connection.
Although I do not consider myself a channeler or medium, I feel that I can sense particular energies and know particular events that will happen, in general shape, just not always the details.
Nonetheless, recently I started seeing flashes of images (or imagination) of women who are particular influential today, and I see a deep blue aura around them. The deep blue color feels the most right, also because those women are literally fearless when it comes to defending what is right. This made me believe the presence of Archangel Michael in others, as well.
Reading about your interviews with angels themselves have been enlightening and inspiring.